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5 Easy And Natural Teeth Whitening Techniques

5 Easy And Natural Teeth Whitening Techniques

5 Natural teeth whitening home remediesDo you conceal your teeth when asked to smile for a photograph? Is it because you are not too happy with the appearance of your teeth? Are your teeth yellowed or discolored? Sadly, modern society with all its busy and stressful ways relies on smoking and drinking tea, coffee and other caffeinated beverages to stay alert and awake. The resulting consequence is yellowing teeth. Your teeth are one of the first things that people notice because how you care for them exudes confidence and overall health. If you have yellow teeth, don’t fret! The great news is that there are natural and easy teeth whitening techniques that you can use.
The following are five proven, natural teeth whitening techniques that will work in your favor:
  1. Brush after eating or drinking

This is perhaps the easiest and the best way to maintain clean, white and healthy teeth. It will surely take a lot of persistence, but once it becomes a part of your routine, you will be the one with pearly white teeth! Most foods except for coffee and cigarettes, do not stain teeth. If you are a coffee addict and or a  cigarette smoker, you will benefit from teeth cleaning every three to four months.
  1. Make a solution with hydrogen peroxide and baking soda

This paste is an effective teeth whitener. Start by mixing an equal amount of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide and make it into a paste. You do not need more than 1 tablespoon worth. Then proceed to brush your teeth the way you usually do, even brushing the back teeth. Baking soda is a rough and gritty substance, similar to sandpaper. Hydrogen peroxide works like an antibacterial agent and is effective as a gum and mouth cleanser. Please do not use baking soda on its own. The texture of baking soda is rough and will end up scrubbing the enamel off of your teeth. Make the paste runny for best results.
  1. Apple Cider Vinegar (ACV)

Since this substance is a vinegar, it will work effectively to remove stains and also work as a gum cleanser. Apple cider vinegar works as a teeth whitener, however, your efforts must be consistent for at least one month in order to see results. However, caution must be exercised when using vinegar because an excess amount can chip away your enamel. After you brush with ACV, you have to brush again with toothpaste and rinse very well.
  1. Orange or lemon peels

Both lemon and orange peels contain acid, which can effectively remove the stains and whiten teeth.
These are natural and healthy; however, the high acid content will wear away the enamel of your teeth. You must rinse afterward as a precautionary measure. After using the peel, it will help if you rinse with hydrogen peroxide.
  1. Strawberries

Simply mash up to five strawberries and rub it all over your teeth. Leave it on for a few minutes and then rinse thoroughly afterwards. 
Here are few other natural teeth whiteners that you can use to get the pearly whites. If these techniques fail to give you desired results, you must seek help from the cosmetic dentistry expert.


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