MS Dental and Maxillofacial Centre, Kovalam,Trivandrum
What is a root canal?
A root canal is a procedure that is performed in order to treat the pulp of a tooth that has undergone decay and has chances of becoming infected. The pulp of the tooth refers to the soft substance located in the center of the tooth and it consists of the nerves, blood vessels, and tissues.
When is it necessary to get a root canal treatment done?
- A root canal is necessary when there is tooth or jaw pain: The tooth pain might be caused due to heat or cold sensitivity, but generally, heat sensitivity is more characteristic of the need for root canal treatment.
- When a tooth has become infected: An infection occurs when the pulp of the tooth dies and there is pus formation. A deep cavity might also lead to an infected tooth.
- A tooth may undergo trauma: This results in the nerve of the tooth eventually dying which may take place immediately after the trauma or after a period of a few months or years after the trauma.
- A tooth may undergo fracture: If the fracture is deep enough, root canal treatment may be necessary.
- The structure of the tooth may be dissolved away: This is termed as “root resorption” and maybe due to various reasons such as injury, trauma, replantation of tooth or aggressive tooth movement.
- There might be repeated dental procedures performed on an individual. This might lead to the inflammation of the pulp of the tooth, which may be reversible or irreversible in nature. This is to be determined by the dentist, following which a root canal treatment might be necessary.
Who performs a root canal treatment?
Root canal treatment is also called “endodontic therapy”. This procedure is performed by a general dentist, or an endodontist, preferably an endodontist, since an endodontist is a professional who focuses specifically on root canal treatment. During this procedure, the pulp from the inside of the tooth is removed, cleaned and then sealed in order to prevent bacteria from entering it.
Brief description of how the root canal treatment is performed:
This treatment involves a series of procedures and visits to the dentist or endodontist.
The process of root canal begins by making a deep opening through the crown in order to reach infected pulp, which is located within canals. The infected pulp is then cleaned and the unhealthy tissues are removed. The canals are then remade using special dental materials after removing debris if any. The opening is now covered with another layer. This covering is only temporary till the crown is built and replaced.
What to expect after a root canal: Root canal after-care
Although root canal treatments are known to be painful, they have a very high success rate. Root canal treatment is extremely beneficial when performed properly and it not only allows most of the teeth to be saved but also for the teeth to be used effectively for a very long time.
In order to maintain the therapy for a longer time, the following recommendations are made:
- brush your teeth twice daily,
- avoid chewing hard food for a few days after the procedure,
- chew from the side opposite to which the procedure has been performed
- Rinse your mouth properly after meals.
Root canal procedure may have some complications, which might be indicative of a failed root canal treatment. These include:
- Pain: A dull to sharp pain might be experienced following the procedure since cleaning and repairing of the tooth have been performed. After the procedure, the tooth might feel sensitive due to the inflammation of the natural tissue, and this pain subsides within a few days. However, if an extreme pain is experienced and it does not decrease over the span of a few days, it is advised to visit the dentist or endodontist immediately so that further action can be taken appropriately in order to reduce the pain.
- Having more than one problematic area: Sometimes, more than one tooth might be affected and if any of the root canals are not treated, this might lead to a repetition of the procedure.
- A crack that is undetected in the root of the tooth: This is a complication that can cause bacterial growth, which in turn leads to further treatment.
- A defect in the materials used: The materials used for sealing the tooth might have a defect in them which causes them to break. This enables the bacteria to return to the root of the tooth. Hence, it is necessary to take proper care of the tooth/ teeth on which the procedure has been performed.
In order to avoid the complications mentioned above, it is necessary to have the procedure done by an experienced endodontist. The after-care instructions are to be considered carefully and are supposed to be followed as well. Dental hygiene is to be followed at all times; it is important to brush twice daily and floss at least once a day. The follow-up period notified by the dentist should be adhered to.
Root canal vs Tooth extraction:
Root canal treatment is performed in order to save the tooth, but there are some conditions when it is more beneficial to undergo a tooth extraction.
- When the root of the tooth is fractured: If a tooth that has undergone a fracture all the way down to the root, or a major part of the crown is affected, the pain or infection might be experienced even after the root canal treatment; hence, a tooth extraction is preferable.
- When there is a lack of the remaining tooth structure: When there isn’t enough healthy tooth structure for the crown to attach to, then a root canal treatment is not useful and tooth extraction is more effective in this case.
- Wisdom teeth: wisdom teeth are not placed at a position to perform any functions and should be extracted.
- When resorption has taken place to a large extent: When the majority of the tooth has been dissolved, a root canal might not be able to save such a tooth and it should be extracted instead.
- Multiple root canal treatment on the same tooth: When a person has undergone more than one root canal treatment on the same tooth, it is better to consider other options such as tooth extraction.
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