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Best Ways to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity

MS DENTAL Kovalam,Kerala

Best Ways to Reduce Tooth Sensitivity: 7 Ways to Find Relief

While tooth sensitivity is a common condition, it can be painful and uncomfortable, and begin to interfere with your daily life. But don’t worry! If you are feeling frustrated, there are some simple ways you can find relief and reduce your tooth sensitivity.
Here are the 7 best tips from our  dentist:
  1. Brush gently. Contrary to popular opinion, vigorous brushing won’t make your teeth any cleaner, but can increase your risk for tooth sensitivity. This is because being too rough can cause gum recession, exposing the nerve and setting you up for pain.

  2. Avoid acidic food and drinks. Constant exposure to drinks such as red wine, soda, and certain fruit juices can wear away your enamel. Try to limit these foods and drinks and try to brush about 30 minutes after eating them. Even if you don’t have tooth sensitivity yet, be cautious about consuming them as enamel loss is irreversible.

  3. Use toothpaste for sensitive teeth. OTC desensitizing toothpastes can help block the transmission of sensation from tooth to the nerve. By using it twice a day, you may experience less pain. However, it’s best to talk to your dentist before using any products.

  4. Avoid teeth whitening. At-home whitening kits and in-office procedures can cause some temporary tooth sensitivity, so if you already have sensitive teeth, then be sure to let your dentist know about your condition.

  5. Use a mouth guard. If you grind your teeth, then you can wear down the enamel, which may lead to tooth sensitivity. Talk to your dentist about being fitted for a customised mouth guard that you can wear while you sleep to prevent the negative effects of Bruxism. (TMD TREATMENT >)

  6. Cover your root surfaces. If you have receding gums, you may develop sensitive teeth due to root exposure. Your dentist may suggest using a particular sealant to cover the area, sealing the surfaces and thereby blocking exposure to the causes of sensitive teeth.

  7. Talk to your dentist about a root canal treatment. If all else fails and your sensitive teeth are seriously impacting the quality of your life, then your dentist may suggest that you undergo a root canal treatment. This procedure can eliminate any pain by removing the soft pulp inside the tooth.


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